Saturday, June 17, 2023

Comparing YouTube TV and Cue Streaming User Interfaces

 Moving from YouTube TV to Cue Streaming has it pros and cons.  When considering content and price, Cue Streaming is, hands down, a much better value with thousands more options for less money.  Setting up each service is wildly different and is discussed in a different article. 

This article will discuss the major differences of the user interface of these two services. User Interfaces – both YTTV and Cue Streaming are available on Smart TVs with an app and via a web player on common web browsers.  This article will break them out separately so that you device of choice comparison is simple and easy to follow.

Let us begin with the Smart TV App’s and compare the user experience with each. 

Live TV –

When viewing the live tv grid, and scrolling right to see the future programming, Cue Streaming provides schedules three days out while YTTV provide schedules beyond 3 days.  Scrolling on Cue 

Streaming can be done by holding down the navigation wheel while YTTV requires a button click for each time period as you scroll right making scrolling the live TV Schedule on Cue Streaming much faster. 

Selecting a future program allows for the same functionality on both systems.  On YTTV you can “add to library”, set reminder and browse episodes.  On Cue Streaming you can set reminder or set to record.

On Cue Streaming you can create a favorites list of the channels you want to see and on YTTV you can customize the order of channels by going to you YTTV account on a computer. 

On the live TV Programming grid, you can scroll down quickly on both by holding down the proper button on your remote.

One huge advantage with Cue Streaming with live TV Programming is that you can display two channels at once using the multi screen function.  This cannot be done with YTTV. 

Another major difference in the two user interfaces is the way you access premium content.  On Tube TV, you can access premium content from within the app with a trail or subscription.  YouTube TV has a browse feature that will present the user with content based on viewing history.  Cue Streaming has no such function but it will recommend programs based on your search inquiry.

Let’s talk recording.

 YTTV has an easy to use Library function.  This function allows users to add programs to the Library and, once done, all future airings of the program are captured in the Library.  This allows users a carefree way of knowing that the app will capture all episodes of the program without any additional user requirement.  The Library is organized by type of content (i.e. shows, movies, sports, events etc).  There is no apparent limit to how much you can add to your Library and the Library is available via the app on the smart tv as well as the app on your Android or IOS device and the platform on your web browser.

Cue Streaming uses the storage connected to your streaming device.  Currently, Firestick Lite and Firestick 4K Max are supported streaming devices.  Once installed, the Cue Streaming App on the Firestick can be set up to record to the Firestick device or to an external memory device.  This makes recording on Cue Streaming both more difficult to set up and limited by the size of the storage device that you choose to include in our set up.  How to set up additional storage is discussed in a separate article.

Let’s talk VOD

Both services offer Video On Demand.  The search capabilities are similar while the user interface does differ.  For example, when search results appear, included on YTTV is content similar to what a google search would provide (cast information, detailed description etc) whereas Cue Streaming returns what is usually expected from a digital cable service. 

Of course, the most significant difference is the vast amount of content available on Cue Streaming as well of the content that his shared by both services but that is included in the monthly fee for Cue Streaming.

As of this writing, as a new subscriber to either service, will pay $59.99 per month for Cue Streaming and $72.99 for YouTube TV.  There is a promotion right now where new subscribers get 8 off for the first three months.

As a user of both services, it is the writer’s opinion that the content available with Cue Streaming far out weighs the recording function of YouTubeTV, especially since in this family we almost never watch current programming.

We hope this comparison has helped you decide if you want to try out Cue Streaming.  Remember that if you do, we welcome you to use our affiliate link 

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