Thursday, August 10, 2023

Installing Que Pro

Que Pro is the newest version of the app needed to stream Cue Streaming content on a smart TV.  These instructions will guide you through the process of downloading and installing and signing into the new and powerful app on your FireStick.\

1.  Install your FireStick

2.. Customize your FireStick Settings for Ease of User
            a. FireStick Settings
            b. HomeScreen Settings

3. Download the “Downloader App

a. On the FireStick Home Screen click the Search icon

  • Enter “downloader”
  • When the Downloader App is located, download it and install it
  • If prompted to enable downloads, follow these instructions.

b. Install the Downloader App

c. Launch the Downloader App

4. In the search bar of the downloader app, type in “”

a. To type this in, you will need to click inside the search term box once to highlight it and a second time to bring up the input screen.

b. Click “Go”

c. The file will download

d. Click Install

e. When the install completes, click “Open”

5. Enter your username and password. Please remember that they are both case sensitive.

6. Sign In. When you first login please select “Allow” to give the CUE App permissions on your device.

Setup is complete. Happy streaming!


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