Thursday, August 10, 2023

FireStick HomeScreen Settings to Improve Cue Streaming Experience


Understanding the home screen:

1.       FireStick Controls – these controls allow you to function within your FireStick

2.       Favorites Section – this section allows you to place your favorite apps front and center

3.       The “manage apps” icon

4.       The “settings” icon

5.       Random apps that FireStick (Amazon) thinks you might care about. 

Modifying the Home Screen

1.       Placing Cue App in our Favorites Section

a.       Click on the MANAGE APPS icon

b.       Navigate down until you highlight the Cue App

c.       Press and Hold the large center button on you FireStick Remote

                                                               i.      You will see a message appear that says “Move the app to your desired position and press SELECT to move the app”.

                                                             ii.      Using the wheel on your remote click up to the Favorites Section and place the App where you want it. 

                                                            iii.      Press the large center button to drop the app in that place.

FireStick Settings for Que Streaming


Firestick Settings for Maximum Cue Streaming Experience
As of 8/10/23


From the FireStick Home Screen, choose the gear icon highlighted in red below to launch into the FireStick Settings.

Launching into settings will display the grey tiles below. Each tile is a menu option that you can choose to modify the settings of your FireStick.  The menu options and changes that we recommend are listed below the image.

Firestick Settings for maximum Cue Streaming Experience:

1.        If you have multiple WiFi networks available, choose to connect your FireStick to the fastest one available.

2.       Change the resolution on your FireStick to 1080p.  The keystrokes within settings are:

a.       Displays & Sounds

b.       Display

c.       Video Resolution

d.       Set the resolution for your FireStick to 1080p.  If you see two options for 1080p, choose the 50hz option

3.       Set the time zone on your FireStick to your local time zone.  The keystrokes with settings are:

a.       Preferences

b.       Time Zone

c.       North America

d.       Rotate through the options to find and select your time zone
If you prefer a 24 hour clock, this is where you can choose to use it

Installing Que Pro

Que Pro is the newest version of the app needed to stream Cue Streaming content on a smart TV.  These instructions will guide you through the process of downloading and installing and signing into the new and powerful app on your FireStick.\

1.  Install your FireStick

2.. Customize your FireStick Settings for Ease of User
            a. FireStick Settings
            b. HomeScreen Settings

3. Download the “Downloader App

a. On the FireStick Home Screen click the Search icon

  • Enter “downloader”
  • When the Downloader App is located, download it and install it
  • If prompted to enable downloads, follow these instructions.

b. Install the Downloader App

c. Launch the Downloader App

4. In the search bar of the downloader app, type in “”

a. To type this in, you will need to click inside the search term box once to highlight it and a second time to bring up the input screen.

b. Click “Go”

c. The file will download

d. Click Install

e. When the install completes, click “Open”

5. Enter your username and password. Please remember that they are both case sensitive.

6. Sign In. When you first login please select “Allow” to give the CUE App permissions on your device.

Setup is complete. Happy streaming!


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Things I Wish I Knew Before Joining Cue Streaming

This is an amazing company with a user community that is mostly positive, optimistic and friendly.  However, there have been some bumps in the getting started process. 

 This article is intended to help you avoid some of the frustration by leaning from our experiences.  So, here are the things that I wish I knew:

  • Before you sign up, decide if you want to simply be a subscriber or if you want to get a referral fee from people you refer.  If you want to get a referral fee, use your sponsor's "apply" link to make the whole process easier on yourself and your sponsor. 
  • Connect with someone and sign up under them so they can help you get set up.
  • Setup will take a couple of tries so be ready for that and don't get frustrated. 
  • Don't try to record until you install external storage.  If you do (we know it is tempting), limit it to two or three hours so that you do not fill up our Firestick.
  • If your firestick memory fills up, call your sponsor so they can help you fix it. 
  • There is NOT a lot of difference between the Firestick Lite and the Firestick 4K Max for most users. Here are the big ones: 
    • 4KM works with IP6 (no biggy for us)
    • 4KM has volume, mute and on/off buttons on the remote (we like this a lot)
    • 4kM maximizes the resolution of your display
    • 4kM supports some fancy audio something something
    • If you want more details, this is a good article -
      Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K vs Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite
  • The Firestick Remote (either) has two buttons that will take you out of Cue Streaming and back to the Firestick System - home and TV.  See this post for more information on the remote - Remote
  • The Firestick User Experience and the Web Player User Experience are separate and very different.  Don't try to learn both and seek out help from your sponsor. 
  • Navigating the Firestick Cue Streaming App is fast but also not all that intuitive.  Again, ask your sponsor or check this article - Basic Navigation
  • When you get access through your Firestick, spend some time browsing the system to learn how to find what you want.
  • The general search will return everything Cue Streaming has from anywhere: Live, VOD movies, VOD TV Shows.
  • Take a deep breath and prepare to have a learning curve.
  • The speed and functionality is very, very good!  The learning curve is real. 

Video On Demand - Cue App 2.0


NOTE:  This article relates to Cue App 2.0

In addition to the hundreds of channels of live TV Programming, you have access to many thousands of movies and TV Shows.  Below will show you the number of each as of this writing:

Movies – 27,011
TV Shows – 6,131

Within each of these selections, there are lists so that you can browse categories.  As you are browsing you can also search within the category using the search function at the top right hand corner.

This section will step you through navigating the VOD Menus and their functionality. 

To access the VOD Menu from your Live TV Guide, use the Navigation Wheel by pressing the left side of the wheel until the following menu appears:

·       SEARCH – allows you to search all VOD content.  Results are presented separated by TV Shows and Movies and Programming. Movies and TV are self-explanatory but PROGRAMS is a list of Live TV Programming that contains your search criteria.  If you see something you like in live TV Programming, you have the option of setting a reminder, setting a recording or adding it to your List.

·       TV – Takes you to live TV Programming where you can choose the channel you want to watch

·       MOVIES – Takes you to the Movies Menu where you can browse by list

·       TV SHOWS – Takes you to the TV Shows VOD Menu where you can browse by lists

·       RECORDINGS – Takes you to a list of items you have recorded.

·       MY LIST – Takes you to the List Menu where you can view and choose from the TV Programs, Reminders, Movies and TV Shows you have previously added to your list. This is also where you can remove from your list or delete a recording

·       SETTINGS – allows you to customize certain things like:

·       Parental Controls

·       Appearance of Certain Screens

·       Remote Control Buttons

·       Playback Options

Saturday, June 17, 2023

View Channel Lineup

The Cue Streaming Channel Lineup changes daily.  Rather than publishing a list and requiring a constant update/refresh, the good folks at Cue Streaming has enabled a live view of the available channels.  Of course, you can stream anything without an account, but you sure can see what all is there. 

A word of caution - when you click this link, Cue Streaming will try it's hardest to verify your login and bring all your customization to you.  Of course, it won't find you.  We just want you to understand that this digital channel line up takes a second to load because you are not yet a subscriber.  Trust us when we say, the system is FAST AS LIGHTENING! will bring you to this screen.  Choose Live TV.  Play with the categories.  Is your local NBC affiliate listed?  Ours is!  When you finish with Live TV, come back here and choose VOD and look for your favorite old school TV Show.  We have had a ton of fun with all the old shows we used to plan our lives around so we didn't miss them.  

Great Stuff!

Navigating Que Streaming (Basics) - Cue App 2.0

NOTE:  This article relates to Cue App 2.0 

Finding your way around Cue Streaming can be challenging at first. In this article, we will discuss some basics that might make your experience a little less frustrating. 

The first tip you need to know is that the Firestick remote has two buttons that will take you right out of the Cue Streaming App.  These are the HOME BUTTON and the TV BUTTON. If you press either of these accidentally, you will leave the Cue Streaming App and be viewing a Firestick screen (either the home screen or the live tv screen).  If this happens, you need to navigate to the Cue Streaming app and select it to reenter it.  For more information on the Firestick Lite remote use with Cue Streaming, visit our Blog Post about the Firestick Lite Remote.

From anywhere in the Cue Streaming App, use the BACK BUTTON as many times as it takes to view the Main Menu. Some users call this "going left as far as you can. 

The Main Menu lists the following options:

TV Shows
My List

We will review each of these menu options, what they are used for and how to use them.  

SEARCH - Selecting SEARCH allows users enter words and find content included in Cue Streaming regardless of if it is scheduled TV Programming, Video on Demand or Recorded Content. This is the best way to find all things related to your search words. While on the search screen, you can hold down the microphone button on your Firestick remote and speak the words rather than using the navigation wheel to enter them in manually. The results returned to you will be categorized by TV Shows, Movies, Live Programming so you can easily find what you are looking for. 

TV - Selecting TV will activate live TV programming and present the user with a menu, the guide, and a preview of the currently selected channel as well as a description of that channel.  The menu list is discussed in another article but is essentially a collection of lists that refine the channels presented in the guide.  Users can select any list by using the navigation wheel to move up or down by pressing the wheel on the top to go up and on the bottom to go down. 

MOVIES - Selecting MOVIES activates the selection movies available through the VIDEO ON DEMAND feature of Que Streaming.  Similar to the TV function, there is a menu of lists that assist the user in browsing the thousands of movies available via VOD by categories.  

TV SHOWS  - Similar to Movies, selecting TV SHOWS activates the selection of VIDEO ON DEMAND TV Shows available in Cue Streaming. Similar to the Movies function, there is a menu of lists that assist the user in browsing the thousands of TV Series by category.  

RECORDINGS - choosing RECORDINGS displays all recordings and scheduled recordings for the user. By navigating to a recording you can delete the recording or cancel the scheduled recording, depending on the status of the recording entry you choose. As the user toggles from one recording to another, a detailed description is displayed on the screen. Additionally, by selecting the gear icon, the user is presented with the recording settings and can modify them as needed by selecting the recording setting the user is interested in. 

MY LIST - Choosing MY LIST presents the user with four lists, each representing content elements that the user has previously "added" to their list.  Choosing any of these lists provides the user with functionality to manage the lists.  The functionality available varies depending on which list is chosen and is covered in another article.  

SETTINGS - Choosing SETTINGS brings the user the CUE STREAMING SETTINGS MENU.  This is where the user can do things such as set parental controls, view their storage usage, customize the screen format, refresh the EPG and many other functions.  The specifics of settings are discussed in another article.  

FireStick HomeScreen Settings to Improve Cue Streaming Experience

  Understanding the home screen: 1.        FireStick Controls – these controls allow you to function within your FireStick 2.       ...